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your veneers


A veneer can be made of either porcelain or composite.

It is essentially a cover used to change the colour, alter the shape or close gaps of your teeth, to then give you the best possible smile. Veneers can either be bonded directly to your teeth but in some instances your tooth surface may need to be abraded to provide a more effective bond.

Veneers can be applies to several teeth at the same time to ensure aesthetic continuity of the teeth.

Porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are of a strong material that is made at the lab. This method does require some tooth abrasion to allow for a flush fit of the veneer. It offers complete coverage of the tooth, and is often chosen for teeth that are slightly out of place, but orthodontic treatment is not desired, or have heavy staining / trauma that require more coverage. 


Strong material, less likely to fracture or chip / Low maintenance for staining / Can sometimes replace the need for orthodontics


Requires two visits / More costly due to lab fees
Tooth abrasion is required

Composite veneers

Composite veneers can be made directly whilst you are in the chair, since the material is accessible for the dentist and does not require lab intervention. This method requires minimal, if any, tooth abrasion, and the shape and shade of the veneer dictated throughout the process by you and your dentist. 


One visit / Minimal tooth abrasion / Control of appearance throughout the process


More chance of fracture or chip / Higher maintenance for stain removal

What happens during a Veneer appointment?

Your dentist will have discussed your desires about the appearance of your smile at your consultation . A treatment plan should now be in place, outlining the method and pricing of the Veneer appointment.

We want you to feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible during every treatment, so local anaesthetic will be available if necessary to ensure there is no pain / sensitivity. There is also an option for sedation  for those with dental anxiety.

The tooth / teeth are prepared accordingly. If you are having porcelain, this will involve some removal of enamel to accommodate the veneer. A digital scan is then taken of the area and sent to the lab. A shade is taken from adjacent teeth using a shade guide and pictures, and sent to the lab for precise shade matching. A temporary veneer is then made to protect the tooth from sensitivity, potential damage and for aesthetic reasons.

A second appointment is made for approximately 10 days later to have your new porcelain veneers fitted. Local anaesthetic is offered if required, and the temporary veneers are gently removed. The tooth is cleansed, and the new Veneers are fitted with permanent cement and adjusted if necessary to perfect the fit and appearance.

If you are having composite, the tooth is cleansed with a special gel that creates a surface on the tooth suitable for bonding of composite. The composite is shade matched against your natural teeth, then placed onto the area and moulded over the tooth surface, being manipulated into the desired shape. It is then set hard with a special light. Adjustments are made to perfect the shape and fit.

Dental veneer aftercare

Anything new in the mouth can take a while to get used to, or may feel alien for a while, here is some advice and tips to follow for after you have had a veneer.