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Straight Teeth


teeth straightening with invisalign

WHAT is cosmetic orthodontic treatment?

Cosmetic orthodontic treatment, also known as aesthetic orthodontic treatment, focuses on improving the appearance of the teeth and smile without necessarily addressing major functional or bite-related issues. While traditional orthodontic treatment primarily emphasizes function and alignment, cosmetic orthodontics places a stronger emphasis on enhancing the aesthetics of the teeth and smile.

Cosmetic orthodontic treatment typically involves the use of more discreet or less noticeable orthodontic appliances compared to traditional metal braces, such as Invisalign. Here we look at some options available in our Love Straight Teeth Packages;

Invisalign and Smile Tru are systems that use clear aligners, which are transparent, removable trays that gradually shift the teeth into alignment. They are custom-made for each patient and offer a more discreet alternative to braces.

CFast is a system that uses tooth-colored or clear brackets and wires, making them less noticeable than traditional metal braces. Ceramic braces are still fixed appliances but blend in with the natural color of the teeth.

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What happens during the journey to straighter teeth?

Our Love Straight Teeth package means your treatment journey is entirely tailored to you. Whether you are just looking for straighter teeth or a full smile makeover, our dental professionals can help. At your consultation they will assess your teeth and listen to your concerns before putting together a bespoke teeth straightening journey. This includes:

  • 3D Scan of your mouth for a comprehensive view of your teeth and arch landscape
  • Clear Aligners (Invisalign or Smile Tru) or Fixed Braces (CFast) – or both if required!
  • Scheduled review appointments to track your tooth movement and make adjustments if required
  • 24 hour support and advice throughout your journey
  • Retainers – removable, fixed wire and/or fixed composite
  • Edge Bonding to perfect the end result if required/desired
  • Professional Tooth Whitening

invisalign aftercare

After undergoing cosmetic orthodontic treatment, it’s essential to follow proper aftercare instructions to maintain the results and ensure a healthy smile. Here are some important tips;

Remember, the correct aftercare is crucial to ensure the stability and longevity of your cosmetic orthodontic treatment. By following these guidelines and staying in touch with us, you can maintain your beautiful smile and enjoy the full benefits of your treatment.